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The county came to us for our input by holding four community meetings as its community engagement phase. This is our chance to express how we feel about the project and why it is important to us.

Send an Email to Show Your Support

City Council and County Supervisors will be considering community input when making a decision. The proposal is up against a hostile opposition based upon fear and intimidation, so be sure to make your support heard.

The question on the table is not "where should this go," it is specifically about this piece of land in our neighborhood. By giving feedback, we can ensure that this land is put to the best possible use.

Approving the first step does not mean all the details are worked out or everything is finalized. If we want to have input on things like staff, services, specific rules, and more, we have to get to that part of the process.

As a community we can share our thoughts to ensure that this project is designed in a way that best supports our neighbors and the neighborhood. 

Contact Decision Makers

Our neighborhood has the chance to come together and say yes to something that will make us better. Through respectful dialogue, we can learn about each other and understand different experiences. We will come out of this project as a stronger community. 

For more information or to get involved with our efforts, you can reach Santa Clara Housing Advocates at

This website is created managed by neighborhood volunteers, and was not paid for by any government entity

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